Warsaw 6.1 ºC

Seklerska Gate

Tarnow's Seklerska Gate is the second, next to Stary Sącz, gate like that in Poland! It is a gift of a Hungarian foundation Irott Szó and Sepsiszentgyőrgy city for Tarnów city.

An expression “secler” means folk, nation and the mission of the defence of south-eastern borders of the Hungarian Kingdom. Seklers reside in the area located the farthest in the east in the Carpathian Mountains. The medieval Seklers’ council and military democration was a one-of-a-kind phenomenon in feudal Europe.

Till the 14th-c. the notion of Seklers-siculitas-was tantamount to the notion of nobility. Modern history has been the sequence of various battles for rights. Sekler gates constitute the embodiment of a peculiar folk awareness. They were made of different kinds of good quality oak trees and less frequently of pine trees. The structure of the gates resemble European craftsmanship technique whereas the layout of the ornaments symbolizes another world and have its source in the reality before the conquest of Hungarians who came from east.

Among the gates built ages before on the large areas of eastern Europe the most numerous and technically interesting ones are preserved in Transylvania. Unfortunately they are completely forgotten in Europe. They are open to everybody, both happy and miserable, like open and philanthropic hearts of Seklers.

The inscriptions express it on the arches of the gates: “Peace to the newcomers, blessing with the leavers”.


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33-100 Tarnów
Szélességi és hosszúsági: 50.010639,20.981056
Ha többet szeretne megtudni, iratkozzon fel hírlevelünkre
Lengyel Idegenforgalmi Szervezet Magyarországi Kereskedelmi Képviseleti Irodája
1023 Budapest, Árpád Fejedelem útja 24-26
Óbuda Gate Irodaház
E-mail: melinda.farkas@pot.gov.pl