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The Museum shows the variability and diversity of regional forms of blacksmith's craft in our country. They represent creative efforts of blacksmiths.

The Museum collects blacksmith works showing the variability and diversity of regional forms in our country. They represent creative efforts of blacksmiths, bearing their characteristic features concerning workshop and decoration.
Museum consists of three parts: the first is designed to look like the old forge, with the blacksmith's bellows, hearth, anvil, and a number of tools used in the struggle with the hard and thankless iron. In the second part there is a collection of items by blacksmith used for agriculture: hoes, axes, old car, wooden harrows, etc. The third part is an exhibition of contemporary artistic products made ​​with traditional blaksmith techniques bearing characteristics of the region it comes from. Museum collections are complemented by the work produced during Nationwide Nationwide Meetings and Blacksmith Workshops organized by the Municipal Cultural Centre in Wojciechów. There are about 900 exhibits of blacksmith art.


Wojciechów 9
24-204 Wojciechów
Tartomány: LUBELSKIE
Szélességi és hosszúsági: 51.2368,22.2535
Ha többet szeretne megtudni, iratkozzon fel hírlevelünkre
Lengyel Idegenforgalmi Szervezet Magyarországi Kereskedelmi Képviseleti Irodája
1023 Budapest, Árpád Fejedelem útja 24-26
Óbuda Gate Irodaház
E-mail: melinda.farkas@pot.gov.pl